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Use any of the following search forms to find correct spellings and meanings of Medical or English words and abbreviations and to find common Drugs (brand/generic).
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Search Words with Wild Cards -  (

Search Tips: No incomplete or wrong spellings but can use * as wildcard to represent 0 or more characters, but first character must be a letter or a number. Example: trans*mic*.

Keywords :

Medical Dictionary -  (

Search Tips: Type the word (partial or complete spellings) and select the option as per how you typed spellings to get list of all matched words.

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Dictionary -  (

Search Tips: Enter a word or phrase or a word from a phrase to search for. Can enter a wildcard pattern to search for words. Valid wildcards are * (matches any sequence of letters) and ? (matches one letter). Examples: bluebird, blue*, *bird, bl????rd. You can type a colon (:) into the Word or Phrase field, followed by the concept to find words/phrases related to that concept. If you put a wildcard pattern before the colon, your results will be filtered by that pattern Example: bl*:snow. Putting wrong or incomplete spellings will give you a list of matching words.

Word or Phrase: :
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Reverse Dictionary -  (

Search Tips: Type description of the word/phrase you are looking for in a few words, a sentence, in question form, or even just a single word in Describe concept here field. Keep description short to get the best results. In most cases you will get back a list of related terms with the best matches shown first.

Describe concept here :

Dictionary & Thesaurus -  (

Search Tips: Put complete word in Keywords fields to get word or phrase containing that word or thesaurus. Putting wrong or incomplete spellings will give you a list of matching words. Can use * as wildcard to represent 0 or more letters and ? as one letter. Drugs are not available in this search.

Keywords :
Keywords :

Dictionary & Thesaurus -  (

Search Tips: Put complete word in Keywords fields to get word or phrase containing that word or thesaurus. Putting wrong or incomplete spellings will give you a list of matching words. Can use * as wildcard to represent 0 or more letters and ? as one letter.

Keywords :
Keywords :

Search Words on -  (

Search Tips: Put complete word in Keywords fields to get word or phrase containing that word or thesaurus. Putting wrong or incomplete spellings will give you a list of matching words.

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