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Immunology Related Terms

- M -

  • Macrophage

  • A large phagocytic cell of the mononuclear series found within tissues. Properties include phagocytosis, and antigen presentation to T cells.

  • Macrophage-activating factor (MAF)

  • Actually several lymphokines, including interferon, released by activated T cells, which together induce activation of macrophages, making them more efficient in phagocytosis and cytotoxicity.

  • Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

  • A cluster of genes on chromosome 6 in humans, encoding cell surface molecules that are polymorphic and that code for antigens which lead to rapid graft rejection between members of a single species which differ at these loci. Several classes of protein such as MHC class I and II proteins are encoded in this region. These in humans, are known as 'Human leukocyte antigens' (HLA).

  • Mast cell

  • Tissue located cell probably derived from basophils. Possesses receptor for Fc of IgE. Participates in 'Immediate hypersensitivity' reactions.

  • Memory

  • In the immune system, memory denotes an active state of immunity to a specific antigen, such that a second encounter with that antigen leads to a larger and more rapid response.

  • MHC class I molecule

  • A molecule encoded to genes of the MHC which participates in antigen presentation to cytotoxic T (CD8+) cells.

  • MHC class II molecule

  • A molecule encoded by genes of the MHC which participates in antigen presentation to helper T (CD4+) cells.

  • MHC restriction

  • The ability of T lymphocytes to respond only when they 'see' the appropriate antigen in association with "self" MHC class I or class II proteins on the antigen presenting cells.

  • Migration inhibition factor (MIF)

  • A lymphokine that inhibits the motility of macrophages in culture.

  • Minor histocompatibility antigens

  • These antigens, encoded outside the MHC, are numerous, but do not generate rapid graft rejection or primary responses of T cells in vitro. They do not serve as restricting elements in cell interactions.

  • Mitogen

  • A substance that stimulates the proliferation of many different clones of lymphocytes.

  • Mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR)

  • When lymphocytes from two individuals are cultured together, a proliferative response is generally observed, as the result of reactions of T cells of one individual to MHC antigens on the other individual's cells.

  • Monoclonal

  • Literally, coming from a single clone. A clone is the progeny of a single cell. In immunology, monoclonal generally describes a preparation of antibody that is monogenous, or cells of a single specificity.

  • Monocyte

  • Large circulating white cell, 2-10% of total white cells, phagocytic, indented nucleus. Migrates to tissues, where it is known as a macrophage.

  • Monokines

  • Soluble substances secreted by monocytes, which have a variety of effects on other cells.

  • Myeloma

  • A tumor of plasma cells, generally secreting a single species of immunoglobulin.

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Immunology Terms

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